You are driving down a two-lane road at 45 mph. The oncoming vehicle’s right wheels drop off the pavement. The most likely occurrence is

You are driving down a two-lane road at 45 mph. The oncoming vehicle’s right wheels drop off the pavement. The most likely occurrence is ؟

a)The vehicle will enter your lane.
b)The vehicle will continue on the shoulder of the road.
c)The vehicle will spin out and hit a tree.
d)The vehicle will return smoothly back onto the road.

answer: a)The vehicle will enter your lane.

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Tires Go Off Road – I Drive Safely
Ifyou’redrivingalong and one ortwoof yourwheels drop offthepavement,you… Ifyoufind yourself partiallyofftheroad, especially if thepavementis atleast twoinches …Youcould easily lose control of yourcarand crash, or even roll over, ifyou… of your tires areontheroad, steer to therightso thatyoustay in yourlane.
Chapter 11 Section 1 – Teen Driver Education Program
Driving ontheroadsof Pennsylvania requires attentiveness, skill, avehiclethat is … If the tires still have traction, do the following to get backonthepavement: … turn your steeringwheelup to about a quarter of the way to the left until the frontrighttire … If thedrop-offis several inches,youmay havemoredifficulty recovering.
PennDOT – Canvas by Instructure…Cached
This chapter provides information thatwillhelpyoubecome a safedriver. … handsoffof thewheeland take your eyesoffof theroad. … controlling theirvehicle, staying in theirlaneand have to brakemoreoften. ….. Either speed up ordropback …. headlightsona darkroadat night,youshould notdrivefaster than45 mph.
Drivers Ed ch 10-14 Flashcards | Quizlet
Learn vocabulary, terms, andmorewith flashcards, games, and other study tools. … When preparing to pass acar onatwo lane highway,youshould start your … Theoncoming vehiclesuddenlydropsthetwo outside wheels offthepavementonto a … While traveling at45 mph,youmust suddenly avoid a collision by either…
Segment 1, Classes 6-11 Facts To Know
Youneed to search fartherdowntheroadwhendriving onthe expressway. … When passingonatwo lane road, try to be 10mphfaster than thevehicle youare passing, and be … The greater thedrop-offwhen your frontwheelleaves the roadway, the greater the … Hydroplaning is themostdifficult loss of traction to identify.
pavement edge drop – Deep Blue – University of Michigan…/76115.0001.001.pdf?…Cached
by PL Olson – ‎1986 – ‎Cited by 4- ‎Related articles
Results for NaiveDriversat 30mph onthe Smaller EdgeDrop. . . . . 63. B-7. … Photograph of large. rear-wheel drive vehicleas set up for edgedrop… failures ranged fromgoingnomorethan a foot ortwo out oftheproper laneto traveling … When avehiclestrays from theroadsurface onto the shoulder the normal reaction.
Traffic Control in Work Zones with Edge Drop-Offs – Institute for …
Overview of Traffic Control Measures at Work Zones withDrop-Offs.. ….. When avehicleleaves the edge of theroadand its tiresdrop down twoor three inches, thedriver’sinstinct is to steer immediately back onto thepavement. …. These barriers, themost commonin use, are freestanding pre-cast concrete sections, each.
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by SL Hallmark – ‎2006 – ‎Cited by 22- ‎Related articles
…onruraltwo-lane pavedroadways with unpaved shoulders, sincetheyare often high …more likelyto occur, since edgedrop-offwasmore likelyexpected to be pres- ent along ….laneand theright wheels drop offthe edge of the roadway, thedrivermay be …. a45° wedge at 35,45, and 55mphusing four testvehicles.
Driver Manual – Alabama Law Enforcement Agency –
Jun 1, 2016 -Whenyouobtain yourdriverlicense,you willbe asked, “Doyouwish … “organ donor” with a red heartwillappearonyour license. ….. Every Alabama resident who operates any motorvehicle(except a ….. Move forward inright lane. …… towheeltoroad. 25.Mph. 27ft 34.7ft 61.7ft. 35 38ft. 68ft. 106ft.4549ft.
State of Louisiana – South Lafourche Driving School…/LA_English_Guide_Class_D-E_Rev_0914….Cached
The class ofdriver’slicenseyou willneed dependsonthe type ofvehicle youplan to ….. Louisiana law requiresyoutocorrectthe addressonyour license within 10 days ….. 2300 cars wereontheroadand there was only about 150 miles ofpaved road. …. watching for shoulderdrop offsare all hazardsdriversfaceonpoorly …
Driver’s Manual – Minnesota Department of Public Safety…/Minnesota_Drivers_Manual.pdfCached
a motorcycle endorsementonyourout-of-state license,youcan obtain a …Youmaydrivea motorvehicle onpublicroadsin Minnesota without a valid ….Youmust showproperidentification beforeyou willbe permitted to take …… limiton two-lanehighways with a posted speed limit of 55mphor higher is …… Page45…
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Onslipperyroads: If thecarahead should slow or stop,you willneedmore…..LANESFOR PASSING Neverdrive offthepavedor main-traveled portion of the …
What Every Driver Must Know (SOS-133) – Mr. G’s Driving School
obtaining adriver’slicense,commontraffic laws, signs and signals … of experience behind thewheel willfind this revised What Every …. Chapter 4 – Signs,PavementMarkings and Signals …. information about operating a motorvehiclesafelyonMichiganroads. …… When turningrightonto a multiplelane road,youare.
report smoking vehicles – Pearland Driving School
The Texashighwaysystem is one of themostextensivehighway…. ent a validout-of-state instruction permit orout-of-statedriverlicensewill….. D Not to exceed45 MPH…..lane road.—Whendriving ona sin- gle ortwo-lane road youmust yield to: (1)vehiclestraveling …right-of-way tovehiclestravelingonthepaved road.
Pavement Edges and Vehicle Stability – Texas A&M University
by RA Zimmer – ‎1982 – ‎Cited by 24- ‎Related articles
PavementEdges, Roadway Discontinuation andVehicleStability. Sponsored by the … of certain criticaldriverandvehiclefactors so the urgency of mainte- …wheelsare now to therightof ~hepavementedgeona surface …oncomingtrafficlane. … rankedpavementedge-shoulderdrop-off,among the top accident related.
Driver Handbook –
The purpose of thisdriverhandbook is to provideyouwith information …moreinformationonColorado motorvehiclelaws refer ….. Ifyouareout ofstate when your licensewillexpire ……roador driveway when such movement can be made safely.Two-lane,two-way …..45 m.p.h.forvehiclesin the business of hauling trash.
Texas_Drivers_Handbo.. – Drivetrainers
Driver’sHandbook by providingyouwith accurate informationontraffic laws, …mostcurrent informationon driverlicensing visit our website at … POBox4087 …… motor, shifting gears, and when speeddropsbelow 10mphwhen stopping. …… Whendriving ona single- ortwo-lane roadyield tovehiclestravelingona divided.
Driver and Traffic Safety Education Instructor Qualifications…/Driver%20and%20Traffic%20Safety%20Education%20Curric…Cached
If the school owns or usesmorethan onedrivereducationvehicle, it is ….. 30mphin urban district; 35mphon unpaved road;45 mphonpavedcounty road ….On two-lane roadswith traffic moving in both directions,youmay pass traffic on the … of anoncoming car, try to brake andfallback behind thevehiclebeing passed, …
by CDLD Manual – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 1- ‎Related articles
I trust thatyou willtake your work seriously, obey the traffic laws anddrivesafely ….. or multi-lane roads, streets, or highways. …. possession, anddrivinga CMV without theproperclass of CDL and/or … commercial motorvehicle onahighway, including temporarily stationary ……Drop Off. Sometimes thepavement drops off.
Commercial Driver Guide – WA DOL
Visit formoreinformationonCDL knowledge, skills testing …..Drivinga CMV without theproperclass or endorsement for the type of ….. 25mph oncity and town streets. … Ifyouaredrivinga slow-movingvehicle onatwo-lane highwayand five …… Sometimes thepavement drops offsharply near the edge.

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